Wednesday, August 18, 2010


有些事 在固定的时间 固定的定点 必须完成

目标有长期 短期
为了使自己 更有power走向目标
设下了 以个人喜好为由 的目标

1. 买个上千“包包”
2. $3.0 - 3.5k per月



还有几年的日子 生活应该就不再那么自由自私了
做什么都必须想想以后 和 身边所牵涉的 人 事 物
为什么到了一定的年龄 就会想要约束自己
或许有些人 一辈子都我行我素 自由自在
我向往 但我不崇尚

放纵的人生 会让我没有极限地活着
人生的终点 不知是几时 人生的重点 不止是现时
为自己立下了目标 是时候再再加把劲了

被动 已有这样不错的人生
主动 将会有更美好的未来

Monday, August 16, 2010

what a BAD Aug 16!!

Start from morning, I was busy to answer those annoying call from fussy cust... How can they keep talking? Can they give me some time to explain or say something?

Secondly, in order to make reserve items, I specially reached office earlier... without breakfast... I was such hungry... Just hope to get my things done... In the end, what I get? The related person nt yt get their things done... I am wasting my time to sit in my room... haih....

Thirdly, I gt lot pending items replacement need to settle... but there is not enough "old" PC for me to use... OMG!!!

Fourth, I have to settle two wrong orders... I have to admit is my mistakes... hope that is no next time...

In the end, I was such headache... need rest... but due to keep think on the pending work.. I cant get sleep...

tooo scaRY~~~

this month phone bill breaks my record!!!
almost triple from my package...